
Crystal teachings | 1
I’m grateful to have the opportunity to connect and the opportunity to lose. Thats the scary thing, isn’t it? The fear of connecting so deeply to something, someone, somewhere, and...
Crystal teachings | 1
I’m grateful to have the opportunity to connect and the opportunity to lose. Thats the scary thing, isn’t it? The fear of connecting so deeply to something, someone, somewhere, and...

The Magic of Womb Adornments
What is a Womb Adornment? By adorning our wombs may we re-wild ourselves, remembering the nature of the Divine Feminine, our wisdom. May we honour our wombs and tend...
The Magic of Womb Adornments
What is a Womb Adornment? By adorning our wombs may we re-wild ourselves, remembering the nature of the Divine Feminine, our wisdom. May we honour our wombs and tend...

The Magic of the Creative Process
As I lay in the grass watching the spider weave it’s web, I saw myself.
The Magic of the Creative Process
As I lay in the grass watching the spider weave it’s web, I saw myself.

The Magic of Connecting to Place
Learning the language of the land and communicating with her like I would a friend.
The Magic of Connecting to Place
Learning the language of the land and communicating with her like I would a friend.

The Magic of Menstrual Cycle Awareness
Cyclic living has completely transformed the way I live and has been such a profound practice for honouring myself and all seasons of me.
The Magic of Menstrual Cycle Awareness
Cyclic living has completely transformed the way I live and has been such a profound practice for honouring myself and all seasons of me.